Fitness Blogs

Unleash Your Inner Gym Jedi: Mastering Proper Form for Epic Gains

Unleash Your Inner Gym Jedi: Mastering Proper Form for Epic Gains

In a world where longevity, health, emotional wellness, and success are our greatest challenges to conquer, resistance training becomes our most useful tool. ...more


October 31, 20237 min read

Unlocking Strength Beyond Weight: The Hidden Power of Tempo in Long-Term Training

Unlocking Strength Beyond Weight: The Hidden Power of Tempo in Long-Term Training

Muscle contractions are not just about moving from the bottom of the squat to the top, but about the intricate world of eccentric, isometric, and concentric movements all together. ...more


October 29, 20239 min read

The Fountain of Youth: Exercise for Longevity and Quality of Life

The Fountain of Youth: Exercise for Longevity and Quality of Life

Studies have shown that regular vigorous exercise can be the key to unlocking an additional 20 years of life. Yes, you heard that right – 20 years! It's like adding a bonus level to your life ...more


October 09, 20234 min read

Recovery Blogs

Unveiling the Slumber Secret: The Transformative Power of Healthy Sleep Routines

Unveiling the Slumber Secret: The Transformative Power of Healthy Sleep Routines

The Dance of Consistency: The Heartbeat of Healthy Sleep  At the core of this narrative lies a fundamental truth – the importance of consistent sleep and wake routines. ...more


November 01, 202312 min read

The Hidden Key to Longevity and Health: Unlocking Your Mobility

The Hidden Key to Longevity and Health: Unlocking Your Mobility

True mobility lies in actively controlling your range of motion. It's about being able to move freely, fluidly, and with grace. Imagine having the strength and control to flow through various movement... ...more


August 21, 20236 min read

Maximizing Your Workout: Post-Workout Habits for Optimal Results

Maximizing Your Workout: Post-Workout Habits for Optimal Results

While the gym might feel like your second home, it's essential to remember that what happens after your workout is just as important as the sweat and tears you shed during those intense sessions. ...more


August 14, 202310 min read

Mindset Blogs

AOM March 2024

AOM March 2024

Athlete of the Month at TrAk Athletics March 2024 ...more

Mindset ,AOM

March 03, 20245 min read

Harnessing the Power of Your Breath for Peak Performance and Longevity

Harnessing the Power of Your Breath for Peak Performance and Longevity

What if I told you that the key to unlocking this state of mental nirvana lies not in complex training regimens or high-tech gadgets, but in the very rhythm of your breath? ...more


October 29, 20239 min read

Unlocking the Power of "Yes" in Your Health Journey: Embracing a Positive Mindset for Long-Term Success

Unlocking the Power of "Yes" in Your Health Journey: Embracing a Positive Mindset for Long-Term Success

When we say "yes" to nutritious foods and prioritize our health, we open ourselves up to a world of delicious alternatives. ...more


August 14, 20236 min read

AOM Blogs

AOM December ( Peter)

AOM December ( Peter)

Athlete of the month's Tranformation journey with TrAk. 45lbs weight loss this year! ...more


December 04, 20244 min read

AOM November ( Lindsay)

AOM November ( Lindsay)

Lindsay Athlete of the Month at TrAk Athletics for November ...more


November 08, 20244 min read

AOM October ( Bob)

AOM October ( Bob)

AOM Transformation Journey and Experience at TrAk ...more


October 03, 20243 min read

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