Fitness Blogs

AOM TrAk Athletics 2024 March

AOM March 2024

March 03, 20245 min read

I’ve only been at TrAk for months, but I see, feel, and live the difference every day. - Brian

Fitness Success Journey At TrAk Athletics

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?


That’s an easy one—being the father of Jimi, my amazing 9-year-old daughter! She’s the best thing in my life, a smart, kind, funny, curious, beautiful soul. I learn so much from her, and it’s a constant joy to watch her experience the world.


If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like? 


I would travel the Great Lakes for a whole summer—ideally by boat. I’m fascinated by these inland seas and cruising them has been a dream for many years. I’d spend the time exploring the shores, sailing the waves, and documenting my experiences in photos, video, and writing.


How did you feel before you found TrAk?


I had a desire to improve my fitness but also my mental health. I know that regular exercise makes me feel great, but I struggled with motivation, direction, and especially consistency. Stubborn though I might be, I recognized that I couldn’t get what I was looking for on my own.


How do you feel now? 


Strong! I’ve only been at TrAk for months, but I see, feel, and live the difference every day.


How has TrAk changed your everyday life?


I’m stronger, more flexible… and I just feel better.


Goals...personal, professional, family?


I’m a big believer in the idea that there’s always room for improvement, and that the big-picture things in life are more about the journey than the destination. So I just strive to be better than I am. I put in the work, and if I miss my mark on a given day, I just get up the following morning and go back to it. 


If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself in?

I’d love to slide onto Pete Thomas’s throne and play drums for Elvis Costello.


Best place to travel that you've ever been?


Tokyo, Japan. I spent 10 days there a few years back, and it’s easily the most amazing trip I’ve taken—a total immersion in an unfamiliar culture. It’s big, it’s beautiful, but Tokyo is also overwhelming on some levels. I’ve never been among so many people on my life! That said, I wouldn’t change a thing about that experience.


What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success? 


Getting divorced last year was an eye-opener for me. My ex-wife and I remain good friends and are committed co-parents, but we just didn’t work as spouses. Being able to recognize that and move on from our time together in a positive direction has been momentous.


What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym? 


I don’t know if it’s crazy, per se, but I am constantly amazed by Sean’s shoe collection.


What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?


I love being around people from whom I can learn. So I’d go with historian David McCullough, singer/songwriter Elvis Costello, and philosopher Eric Hoffer. I’ve learned a great deal from each of them over time, and would relish the chance to (hypothetically) do so in person.


Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?


Riding motorcycles. I think I’m far past the window of opportunity for that.


Favorite movie?


I have watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” at least once a year for probably the last 25 years. To me, it's about community in the truest sense of the word.  It's about being somebody, being a leader, being an influence and a force for good in your world—even when you don't realize you're doing it. It's about facing the idea that your actions, on a daily basis, do make a difference.


Best piece of advice you've ever received?


What other people think about you is none of your business. 


At what age were you in the best shape of your life?


I’d have to say when I was 42, right after my daughter was born, was the best shape I was in consistently. I ran 7 miles every morning before work and did longer weekend runs with a group of friends. While I miss that consistency (and level of stamina!), I don’t think my knees miss it all that much.


Words to live by or favorite quote?

“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. Don't wish to be thought to know anything; and if you appear to be somebody important to others, distrust yourself.”

–  Epictetus


What adventure do you plan to have in the future?


My biggest adventure is and will be raising my daughter. It’s been truly amazing so far, and I know there’s so much more to come.


Favorite book and why?


Life Itself, by Roger Ebert. Though known almost exclusively for his film reviews, Mr. Ebert was a truly gifted writer all around and an exemplar of living one’s life with equanimity.


Something interesting we don't know about you?


I once aced a job interview by describing how I could discern which parts of an abridged audiobook had been removed because I had once read the novel in paperback form.


What do you like most about being part of the TrAk Family?


 I love the sense of community I’ve found at TrAk, and I appreciate the supportive, encouraging nature of both the coaches and my fellow members.


Biggest accomplishment at the gym?

Just that I keep coming back and doing the work. Everything else flows from that.

Other resources

Athlete of the MonthFitness JourneyHealthWellnessTransformationTestimonial
blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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Recovery Blogs

AOM TrAk Athletics 2024 March

AOM March 2024

March 03, 20245 min read

I’ve only been at TrAk for months, but I see, feel, and live the difference every day. - Brian

Fitness Success Journey At TrAk Athletics

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?


That’s an easy one—being the father of Jimi, my amazing 9-year-old daughter! She’s the best thing in my life, a smart, kind, funny, curious, beautiful soul. I learn so much from her, and it’s a constant joy to watch her experience the world.


If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like? 


I would travel the Great Lakes for a whole summer—ideally by boat. I’m fascinated by these inland seas and cruising them has been a dream for many years. I’d spend the time exploring the shores, sailing the waves, and documenting my experiences in photos, video, and writing.


How did you feel before you found TrAk?


I had a desire to improve my fitness but also my mental health. I know that regular exercise makes me feel great, but I struggled with motivation, direction, and especially consistency. Stubborn though I might be, I recognized that I couldn’t get what I was looking for on my own.


How do you feel now? 


Strong! I’ve only been at TrAk for months, but I see, feel, and live the difference every day.


How has TrAk changed your everyday life?


I’m stronger, more flexible… and I just feel better.


Goals...personal, professional, family?


I’m a big believer in the idea that there’s always room for improvement, and that the big-picture things in life are more about the journey than the destination. So I just strive to be better than I am. I put in the work, and if I miss my mark on a given day, I just get up the following morning and go back to it. 


If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself in?

I’d love to slide onto Pete Thomas’s throne and play drums for Elvis Costello.


Best place to travel that you've ever been?


Tokyo, Japan. I spent 10 days there a few years back, and it’s easily the most amazing trip I’ve taken—a total immersion in an unfamiliar culture. It’s big, it’s beautiful, but Tokyo is also overwhelming on some levels. I’ve never been among so many people on my life! That said, I wouldn’t change a thing about that experience.


What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success? 


Getting divorced last year was an eye-opener for me. My ex-wife and I remain good friends and are committed co-parents, but we just didn’t work as spouses. Being able to recognize that and move on from our time together in a positive direction has been momentous.


What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym? 


I don’t know if it’s crazy, per se, but I am constantly amazed by Sean’s shoe collection.


What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?


I love being around people from whom I can learn. So I’d go with historian David McCullough, singer/songwriter Elvis Costello, and philosopher Eric Hoffer. I’ve learned a great deal from each of them over time, and would relish the chance to (hypothetically) do so in person.


Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?


Riding motorcycles. I think I’m far past the window of opportunity for that.


Favorite movie?


I have watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” at least once a year for probably the last 25 years. To me, it's about community in the truest sense of the word.  It's about being somebody, being a leader, being an influence and a force for good in your world—even when you don't realize you're doing it. It's about facing the idea that your actions, on a daily basis, do make a difference.


Best piece of advice you've ever received?


What other people think about you is none of your business. 


At what age were you in the best shape of your life?


I’d have to say when I was 42, right after my daughter was born, was the best shape I was in consistently. I ran 7 miles every morning before work and did longer weekend runs with a group of friends. While I miss that consistency (and level of stamina!), I don’t think my knees miss it all that much.


Words to live by or favorite quote?

“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. Don't wish to be thought to know anything; and if you appear to be somebody important to others, distrust yourself.”

–  Epictetus


What adventure do you plan to have in the future?


My biggest adventure is and will be raising my daughter. It’s been truly amazing so far, and I know there’s so much more to come.


Favorite book and why?


Life Itself, by Roger Ebert. Though known almost exclusively for his film reviews, Mr. Ebert was a truly gifted writer all around and an exemplar of living one’s life with equanimity.


Something interesting we don't know about you?


I once aced a job interview by describing how I could discern which parts of an abridged audiobook had been removed because I had once read the novel in paperback form.


What do you like most about being part of the TrAk Family?


 I love the sense of community I’ve found at TrAk, and I appreciate the supportive, encouraging nature of both the coaches and my fellow members.


Biggest accomplishment at the gym?

Just that I keep coming back and doing the work. Everything else flows from that.

Other resources

Athlete of the MonthFitness JourneyHealthWellnessTransformationTestimonial
blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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Mindset Blogs

AOM TrAk Athletics 2024 March

AOM March 2024

March 03, 20245 min read

I’ve only been at TrAk for months, but I see, feel, and live the difference every day. - Brian

Fitness Success Journey At TrAk Athletics

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?


That’s an easy one—being the father of Jimi, my amazing 9-year-old daughter! She’s the best thing in my life, a smart, kind, funny, curious, beautiful soul. I learn so much from her, and it’s a constant joy to watch her experience the world.


If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like? 


I would travel the Great Lakes for a whole summer—ideally by boat. I’m fascinated by these inland seas and cruising them has been a dream for many years. I’d spend the time exploring the shores, sailing the waves, and documenting my experiences in photos, video, and writing.


How did you feel before you found TrAk?


I had a desire to improve my fitness but also my mental health. I know that regular exercise makes me feel great, but I struggled with motivation, direction, and especially consistency. Stubborn though I might be, I recognized that I couldn’t get what I was looking for on my own.


How do you feel now? 


Strong! I’ve only been at TrAk for months, but I see, feel, and live the difference every day.


How has TrAk changed your everyday life?


I’m stronger, more flexible… and I just feel better.


Goals...personal, professional, family?


I’m a big believer in the idea that there’s always room for improvement, and that the big-picture things in life are more about the journey than the destination. So I just strive to be better than I am. I put in the work, and if I miss my mark on a given day, I just get up the following morning and go back to it. 


If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself in?

I’d love to slide onto Pete Thomas’s throne and play drums for Elvis Costello.


Best place to travel that you've ever been?


Tokyo, Japan. I spent 10 days there a few years back, and it’s easily the most amazing trip I’ve taken—a total immersion in an unfamiliar culture. It’s big, it’s beautiful, but Tokyo is also overwhelming on some levels. I’ve never been among so many people on my life! That said, I wouldn’t change a thing about that experience.


What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success? 


Getting divorced last year was an eye-opener for me. My ex-wife and I remain good friends and are committed co-parents, but we just didn’t work as spouses. Being able to recognize that and move on from our time together in a positive direction has been momentous.


What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym? 


I don’t know if it’s crazy, per se, but I am constantly amazed by Sean’s shoe collection.


What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?


I love being around people from whom I can learn. So I’d go with historian David McCullough, singer/songwriter Elvis Costello, and philosopher Eric Hoffer. I’ve learned a great deal from each of them over time, and would relish the chance to (hypothetically) do so in person.


Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?


Riding motorcycles. I think I’m far past the window of opportunity for that.


Favorite movie?


I have watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” at least once a year for probably the last 25 years. To me, it's about community in the truest sense of the word.  It's about being somebody, being a leader, being an influence and a force for good in your world—even when you don't realize you're doing it. It's about facing the idea that your actions, on a daily basis, do make a difference.


Best piece of advice you've ever received?


What other people think about you is none of your business. 


At what age were you in the best shape of your life?


I’d have to say when I was 42, right after my daughter was born, was the best shape I was in consistently. I ran 7 miles every morning before work and did longer weekend runs with a group of friends. While I miss that consistency (and level of stamina!), I don’t think my knees miss it all that much.


Words to live by or favorite quote?

“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. Don't wish to be thought to know anything; and if you appear to be somebody important to others, distrust yourself.”

–  Epictetus


What adventure do you plan to have in the future?


My biggest adventure is and will be raising my daughter. It’s been truly amazing so far, and I know there’s so much more to come.


Favorite book and why?


Life Itself, by Roger Ebert. Though known almost exclusively for his film reviews, Mr. Ebert was a truly gifted writer all around and an exemplar of living one’s life with equanimity.


Something interesting we don't know about you?


I once aced a job interview by describing how I could discern which parts of an abridged audiobook had been removed because I had once read the novel in paperback form.


What do you like most about being part of the TrAk Family?


 I love the sense of community I’ve found at TrAk, and I appreciate the supportive, encouraging nature of both the coaches and my fellow members.


Biggest accomplishment at the gym?

Just that I keep coming back and doing the work. Everything else flows from that.

Other resources

Athlete of the MonthFitness JourneyHealthWellnessTransformationTestimonial
blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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AOM Blogs

AOM TrAk Athletics 2024 March

AOM March 2024

March 03, 20245 min read

I’ve only been at TrAk for months, but I see, feel, and live the difference every day. - Brian

Fitness Success Journey At TrAk Athletics

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?


That’s an easy one—being the father of Jimi, my amazing 9-year-old daughter! She’s the best thing in my life, a smart, kind, funny, curious, beautiful soul. I learn so much from her, and it’s a constant joy to watch her experience the world.


If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like? 


I would travel the Great Lakes for a whole summer—ideally by boat. I’m fascinated by these inland seas and cruising them has been a dream for many years. I’d spend the time exploring the shores, sailing the waves, and documenting my experiences in photos, video, and writing.


How did you feel before you found TrAk?


I had a desire to improve my fitness but also my mental health. I know that regular exercise makes me feel great, but I struggled with motivation, direction, and especially consistency. Stubborn though I might be, I recognized that I couldn’t get what I was looking for on my own.


How do you feel now? 


Strong! I’ve only been at TrAk for months, but I see, feel, and live the difference every day.


How has TrAk changed your everyday life?


I’m stronger, more flexible… and I just feel better.


Goals...personal, professional, family?


I’m a big believer in the idea that there’s always room for improvement, and that the big-picture things in life are more about the journey than the destination. So I just strive to be better than I am. I put in the work, and if I miss my mark on a given day, I just get up the following morning and go back to it. 


If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself in?

I’d love to slide onto Pete Thomas’s throne and play drums for Elvis Costello.


Best place to travel that you've ever been?


Tokyo, Japan. I spent 10 days there a few years back, and it’s easily the most amazing trip I’ve taken—a total immersion in an unfamiliar culture. It’s big, it’s beautiful, but Tokyo is also overwhelming on some levels. I’ve never been among so many people on my life! That said, I wouldn’t change a thing about that experience.


What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success? 


Getting divorced last year was an eye-opener for me. My ex-wife and I remain good friends and are committed co-parents, but we just didn’t work as spouses. Being able to recognize that and move on from our time together in a positive direction has been momentous.


What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym? 


I don’t know if it’s crazy, per se, but I am constantly amazed by Sean’s shoe collection.


What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?


I love being around people from whom I can learn. So I’d go with historian David McCullough, singer/songwriter Elvis Costello, and philosopher Eric Hoffer. I’ve learned a great deal from each of them over time, and would relish the chance to (hypothetically) do so in person.


Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?


Riding motorcycles. I think I’m far past the window of opportunity for that.


Favorite movie?


I have watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” at least once a year for probably the last 25 years. To me, it's about community in the truest sense of the word.  It's about being somebody, being a leader, being an influence and a force for good in your world—even when you don't realize you're doing it. It's about facing the idea that your actions, on a daily basis, do make a difference.


Best piece of advice you've ever received?


What other people think about you is none of your business. 


At what age were you in the best shape of your life?


I’d have to say when I was 42, right after my daughter was born, was the best shape I was in consistently. I ran 7 miles every morning before work and did longer weekend runs with a group of friends. While I miss that consistency (and level of stamina!), I don’t think my knees miss it all that much.


Words to live by or favorite quote?

“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. Don't wish to be thought to know anything; and if you appear to be somebody important to others, distrust yourself.”

–  Epictetus


What adventure do you plan to have in the future?


My biggest adventure is and will be raising my daughter. It’s been truly amazing so far, and I know there’s so much more to come.


Favorite book and why?


Life Itself, by Roger Ebert. Though known almost exclusively for his film reviews, Mr. Ebert was a truly gifted writer all around and an exemplar of living one’s life with equanimity.


Something interesting we don't know about you?


I once aced a job interview by describing how I could discern which parts of an abridged audiobook had been removed because I had once read the novel in paperback form.


What do you like most about being part of the TrAk Family?


 I love the sense of community I’ve found at TrAk, and I appreciate the supportive, encouraging nature of both the coaches and my fellow members.


Biggest accomplishment at the gym?

Just that I keep coming back and doing the work. Everything else flows from that.

Other resources

Athlete of the MonthFitness JourneyHealthWellnessTransformationTestimonial
blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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