Fitness Blogs

Athlete of the Month Transformation Journey

September AOM ( Leah)

August 30, 20243 min read

"What I like most about being apart of the TrAk Family is the Accountability and learning from the trainers and other members"

AOM TrAk Athletics

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

 Well that would probably be surviving addiction, and starting my family

If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like?

Hiking, traveling with my family, reading, sleeping, not writing papers, working out still cause the gym is so much of my self-care.  


How did you feel before you found TrAk?

I was devastated, feeling lost, and homeless  with Burn closing. 

How do you feel now?

I feel great! Stronger and enjoying the continued fitness journey I’ve been on! 

How has TrAk changed your everyday life?

Well it ensured I stayed connected and on track with my goals!

Goals...personal, professional, family?

Personal: to continually grow and remain open-minded and teachable. Professional: Complete my Masters, pass my LISW exam. Shift into clinical manager position. Family: increase time with my family (it’s hard with Grad school and full time job). Professional: finish my EMDR Therapy certification. Move into clinical management in the next year.

If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself in?  

Joan Jett and The Blackhearts

Best place to travel that you've ever been? 


What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success?

Overcoming Opioid addiction.


What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym?

Not at Trak but one time I saw someone lose their grip on a kettlebell and launched it into the huge mirror on the wall. 


What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?

My mom, my husband Corey and our daughter Lzzy (yes that’s how you spell it), my mom passed before I met Corey. 

Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?

Base jump 

Favorite movie?

Anything Tim Burton, Fight Club  

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

What people think about you is none of your business. 


At what age were you in the best shape of your life?

Well that depends I’d say 18 and now are pretty tied 


Words to live by or favorite quote?

I have found it is in the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.” Gandalf in the Hobbit 


If you can be anything in life be kind.

What adventure do you plan to have in the future?

All that I possibly can. I don’t say no to new experiences very much, life is to fragile and short to waste not going on adventures

Favorite book and why?

That I cannot say because there are just too many. 

Something interesting we don't know about you?

I used to do slam poetry (I haven’t in a while because well life, family, grad school, and work). 

What do you like most about being apart of the TrAk Family? 

Accountability and learning from the trainers and other members  


Biggest accomplishment at the gym?

30 inch box jump/ finally having upper body strength

Other Resources

blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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Recovery Blogs

Athlete of the Month Transformation Journey

September AOM ( Leah)

August 30, 20243 min read

"What I like most about being apart of the TrAk Family is the Accountability and learning from the trainers and other members"

AOM TrAk Athletics

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

 Well that would probably be surviving addiction, and starting my family

If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like?

Hiking, traveling with my family, reading, sleeping, not writing papers, working out still cause the gym is so much of my self-care.  


How did you feel before you found TrAk?

I was devastated, feeling lost, and homeless  with Burn closing. 

How do you feel now?

I feel great! Stronger and enjoying the continued fitness journey I’ve been on! 

How has TrAk changed your everyday life?

Well it ensured I stayed connected and on track with my goals!

Goals...personal, professional, family?

Personal: to continually grow and remain open-minded and teachable. Professional: Complete my Masters, pass my LISW exam. Shift into clinical manager position. Family: increase time with my family (it’s hard with Grad school and full time job). Professional: finish my EMDR Therapy certification. Move into clinical management in the next year.

If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself in?  

Joan Jett and The Blackhearts

Best place to travel that you've ever been? 


What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success?

Overcoming Opioid addiction.


What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym?

Not at Trak but one time I saw someone lose their grip on a kettlebell and launched it into the huge mirror on the wall. 


What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?

My mom, my husband Corey and our daughter Lzzy (yes that’s how you spell it), my mom passed before I met Corey. 

Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?

Base jump 

Favorite movie?

Anything Tim Burton, Fight Club  

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

What people think about you is none of your business. 


At what age were you in the best shape of your life?

Well that depends I’d say 18 and now are pretty tied 


Words to live by or favorite quote?

I have found it is in the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.” Gandalf in the Hobbit 


If you can be anything in life be kind.

What adventure do you plan to have in the future?

All that I possibly can. I don’t say no to new experiences very much, life is to fragile and short to waste not going on adventures

Favorite book and why?

That I cannot say because there are just too many. 

Something interesting we don't know about you?

I used to do slam poetry (I haven’t in a while because well life, family, grad school, and work). 

What do you like most about being apart of the TrAk Family? 

Accountability and learning from the trainers and other members  


Biggest accomplishment at the gym?

30 inch box jump/ finally having upper body strength

Other Resources

blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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Mindset Blogs

Athlete of the Month Transformation Journey

September AOM ( Leah)

August 30, 20243 min read

"What I like most about being apart of the TrAk Family is the Accountability and learning from the trainers and other members"

AOM TrAk Athletics

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

 Well that would probably be surviving addiction, and starting my family

If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like?

Hiking, traveling with my family, reading, sleeping, not writing papers, working out still cause the gym is so much of my self-care.  


How did you feel before you found TrAk?

I was devastated, feeling lost, and homeless  with Burn closing. 

How do you feel now?

I feel great! Stronger and enjoying the continued fitness journey I’ve been on! 

How has TrAk changed your everyday life?

Well it ensured I stayed connected and on track with my goals!

Goals...personal, professional, family?

Personal: to continually grow and remain open-minded and teachable. Professional: Complete my Masters, pass my LISW exam. Shift into clinical manager position. Family: increase time with my family (it’s hard with Grad school and full time job). Professional: finish my EMDR Therapy certification. Move into clinical management in the next year.

If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself in?  

Joan Jett and The Blackhearts

Best place to travel that you've ever been? 


What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success?

Overcoming Opioid addiction.


What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym?

Not at Trak but one time I saw someone lose their grip on a kettlebell and launched it into the huge mirror on the wall. 


What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?

My mom, my husband Corey and our daughter Lzzy (yes that’s how you spell it), my mom passed before I met Corey. 

Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?

Base jump 

Favorite movie?

Anything Tim Burton, Fight Club  

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

What people think about you is none of your business. 


At what age were you in the best shape of your life?

Well that depends I’d say 18 and now are pretty tied 


Words to live by or favorite quote?

I have found it is in the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.” Gandalf in the Hobbit 


If you can be anything in life be kind.

What adventure do you plan to have in the future?

All that I possibly can. I don’t say no to new experiences very much, life is to fragile and short to waste not going on adventures

Favorite book and why?

That I cannot say because there are just too many. 

Something interesting we don't know about you?

I used to do slam poetry (I haven’t in a while because well life, family, grad school, and work). 

What do you like most about being apart of the TrAk Family? 

Accountability and learning from the trainers and other members  


Biggest accomplishment at the gym?

30 inch box jump/ finally having upper body strength

Other Resources

blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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AOM Blogs

Athlete of the Month Transformation Journey

September AOM ( Leah)

August 30, 20243 min read

"What I like most about being apart of the TrAk Family is the Accountability and learning from the trainers and other members"

AOM TrAk Athletics

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

 Well that would probably be surviving addiction, and starting my family

If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like?

Hiking, traveling with my family, reading, sleeping, not writing papers, working out still cause the gym is so much of my self-care.  


How did you feel before you found TrAk?

I was devastated, feeling lost, and homeless  with Burn closing. 

How do you feel now?

I feel great! Stronger and enjoying the continued fitness journey I’ve been on! 

How has TrAk changed your everyday life?

Well it ensured I stayed connected and on track with my goals!

Goals...personal, professional, family?

Personal: to continually grow and remain open-minded and teachable. Professional: Complete my Masters, pass my LISW exam. Shift into clinical manager position. Family: increase time with my family (it’s hard with Grad school and full time job). Professional: finish my EMDR Therapy certification. Move into clinical management in the next year.

If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself in?  

Joan Jett and The Blackhearts

Best place to travel that you've ever been? 


What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success?

Overcoming Opioid addiction.


What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym?

Not at Trak but one time I saw someone lose their grip on a kettlebell and launched it into the huge mirror on the wall. 


What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?

My mom, my husband Corey and our daughter Lzzy (yes that’s how you spell it), my mom passed before I met Corey. 

Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?

Base jump 

Favorite movie?

Anything Tim Burton, Fight Club  

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

What people think about you is none of your business. 


At what age were you in the best shape of your life?

Well that depends I’d say 18 and now are pretty tied 


Words to live by or favorite quote?

I have found it is in the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.” Gandalf in the Hobbit 


If you can be anything in life be kind.

What adventure do you plan to have in the future?

All that I possibly can. I don’t say no to new experiences very much, life is to fragile and short to waste not going on adventures

Favorite book and why?

That I cannot say because there are just too many. 

Something interesting we don't know about you?

I used to do slam poetry (I haven’t in a while because well life, family, grad school, and work). 

What do you like most about being apart of the TrAk Family? 

Accountability and learning from the trainers and other members  


Biggest accomplishment at the gym?

30 inch box jump/ finally having upper body strength

Other Resources

blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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