Fitness Blogs

April Member Highlight

April AOM

April 05, 20244 min read

“(TRAk) is about the mental shift for me. It is now just part of my routine and I miss it when I don’t go. I feel accountable for myself and for my progress. .” - Janine

April Member Highlight

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

My children, Harper and Hunter. Wonderful, kind and curious humans. 

If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like? 

Lots of travel, books, movies, outside adventures, cultural immersion and plenty of sunshine and ocean time.

How did you feel before you found TraK?

Like I was carrying around a suitcase of excuses to why I couldn’t be athletic anymore at this stage in my life. 

How do you feel now?
Empowered and excited about the future me.

How has TrAk changed your everyday life?

It’s about the mental shift for me. It is now just part of my routine and I miss it when I don’t go. I feel accountable for myself and for my progress. 

Goals...personal, professional, family?

Further my education in Anthropology and Environmental Sustainability. 

Make a positive impact within my new/er workplace - WWF. 

Continue traveling to new places my kids. 

If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself  in?

Rage Against the Machine’ or ‘The Roots’.  The energy for both is next level

Best place to travel that you've ever been?

I have to go with my heart on this one and say Australia since that’s where my family live and I don’t get to see them nearly enough. 

What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success? 

Leaving a long term abusive relationship. Having the bravery to leave really allowed me to take back myself on my own terms. 

What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym? 

Over a year ago now, watching Ella and Owen do a box jump challenge with each other for fun - it got ridiculous! (I do love a bit of sibling rivalry) 

What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?

Sir David Attenborough- my hero, so I can continue my education and connection with the earth.

My son Hunter, who is already a great camping companion.

My best friend Willy, who passed away 3 years ago - he told the best yarns, played awesome guitar and I would do anything to hear his laugh again. Pure gold. 

Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?

I love heights and adrenaline, and would give most things a good crack but I will have to rule out free solo climbing at this point I suppose - ha! 

Funniest things you've seen your husband do?

Ethan has a slew of silly dance moves that he pulls out in public places when he thinks no one is watching. 

Favorite movie?

Ohh so many, depends on my mood. Today I’ll go with- Good Will Hunting. 

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

Start as you mean to go on. - Thanks Mum x

At what age were you in the best shape of your life?

In my competitive swimming years teens through early twenties. 

Words to live by or favorite quote?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

What adventure do you plan to have in the future?

Going on holiday to Finland in July! 

Favorite book and why?

To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee. 

My teacher recommended it when I was 12 and it really stuck with me how beautiful and cruel humans can be to each other. Beautifully written.

Something interesting we don't know about you?

I have an identical mirror twin - Justine. 


What do you like most about being apart of the TrAk Family?

You said it with family. Being part of a community with like minded people where anything is possible and looks different for everyone. There is strength in that. 

I have made friends that I know will be in my life for a very long time. 

Biggest accomplishment at the gym

Learning more about functional strength. Meeting myself where I’m at and setting some personal goals in the back room with Coach Lindsay, and just going after it no matter how long it takes. 

Other resources

Athlete of the MonthTransformationResultsLifestyle
blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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Recovery Blogs

April Member Highlight

April AOM

April 05, 20244 min read

“(TRAk) is about the mental shift for me. It is now just part of my routine and I miss it when I don’t go. I feel accountable for myself and for my progress. .” - Janine

April Member Highlight

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

My children, Harper and Hunter. Wonderful, kind and curious humans. 

If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like? 

Lots of travel, books, movies, outside adventures, cultural immersion and plenty of sunshine and ocean time.

How did you feel before you found TraK?

Like I was carrying around a suitcase of excuses to why I couldn’t be athletic anymore at this stage in my life. 

How do you feel now?
Empowered and excited about the future me.

How has TrAk changed your everyday life?

It’s about the mental shift for me. It is now just part of my routine and I miss it when I don’t go. I feel accountable for myself and for my progress. 

Goals...personal, professional, family?

Further my education in Anthropology and Environmental Sustainability. 

Make a positive impact within my new/er workplace - WWF. 

Continue traveling to new places my kids. 

If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself  in?

Rage Against the Machine’ or ‘The Roots’.  The energy for both is next level

Best place to travel that you've ever been?

I have to go with my heart on this one and say Australia since that’s where my family live and I don’t get to see them nearly enough. 

What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success? 

Leaving a long term abusive relationship. Having the bravery to leave really allowed me to take back myself on my own terms. 

What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym? 

Over a year ago now, watching Ella and Owen do a box jump challenge with each other for fun - it got ridiculous! (I do love a bit of sibling rivalry) 

What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?

Sir David Attenborough- my hero, so I can continue my education and connection with the earth.

My son Hunter, who is already a great camping companion.

My best friend Willy, who passed away 3 years ago - he told the best yarns, played awesome guitar and I would do anything to hear his laugh again. Pure gold. 

Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?

I love heights and adrenaline, and would give most things a good crack but I will have to rule out free solo climbing at this point I suppose - ha! 

Funniest things you've seen your husband do?

Ethan has a slew of silly dance moves that he pulls out in public places when he thinks no one is watching. 

Favorite movie?

Ohh so many, depends on my mood. Today I’ll go with- Good Will Hunting. 

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

Start as you mean to go on. - Thanks Mum x

At what age were you in the best shape of your life?

In my competitive swimming years teens through early twenties. 

Words to live by or favorite quote?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

What adventure do you plan to have in the future?

Going on holiday to Finland in July! 

Favorite book and why?

To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee. 

My teacher recommended it when I was 12 and it really stuck with me how beautiful and cruel humans can be to each other. Beautifully written.

Something interesting we don't know about you?

I have an identical mirror twin - Justine. 


What do you like most about being apart of the TrAk Family?

You said it with family. Being part of a community with like minded people where anything is possible and looks different for everyone. There is strength in that. 

I have made friends that I know will be in my life for a very long time. 

Biggest accomplishment at the gym

Learning more about functional strength. Meeting myself where I’m at and setting some personal goals in the back room with Coach Lindsay, and just going after it no matter how long it takes. 

Other resources

Athlete of the MonthTransformationResultsLifestyle
blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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Mindset Blogs

April Member Highlight

April AOM

April 05, 20244 min read

“(TRAk) is about the mental shift for me. It is now just part of my routine and I miss it when I don’t go. I feel accountable for myself and for my progress. .” - Janine

April Member Highlight

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

My children, Harper and Hunter. Wonderful, kind and curious humans. 

If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like? 

Lots of travel, books, movies, outside adventures, cultural immersion and plenty of sunshine and ocean time.

How did you feel before you found TraK?

Like I was carrying around a suitcase of excuses to why I couldn’t be athletic anymore at this stage in my life. 

How do you feel now?
Empowered and excited about the future me.

How has TrAk changed your everyday life?

It’s about the mental shift for me. It is now just part of my routine and I miss it when I don’t go. I feel accountable for myself and for my progress. 

Goals...personal, professional, family?

Further my education in Anthropology and Environmental Sustainability. 

Make a positive impact within my new/er workplace - WWF. 

Continue traveling to new places my kids. 

If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself  in?

Rage Against the Machine’ or ‘The Roots’.  The energy for both is next level

Best place to travel that you've ever been?

I have to go with my heart on this one and say Australia since that’s where my family live and I don’t get to see them nearly enough. 

What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success? 

Leaving a long term abusive relationship. Having the bravery to leave really allowed me to take back myself on my own terms. 

What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym? 

Over a year ago now, watching Ella and Owen do a box jump challenge with each other for fun - it got ridiculous! (I do love a bit of sibling rivalry) 

What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?

Sir David Attenborough- my hero, so I can continue my education and connection with the earth.

My son Hunter, who is already a great camping companion.

My best friend Willy, who passed away 3 years ago - he told the best yarns, played awesome guitar and I would do anything to hear his laugh again. Pure gold. 

Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?

I love heights and adrenaline, and would give most things a good crack but I will have to rule out free solo climbing at this point I suppose - ha! 

Funniest things you've seen your husband do?

Ethan has a slew of silly dance moves that he pulls out in public places when he thinks no one is watching. 

Favorite movie?

Ohh so many, depends on my mood. Today I’ll go with- Good Will Hunting. 

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

Start as you mean to go on. - Thanks Mum x

At what age were you in the best shape of your life?

In my competitive swimming years teens through early twenties. 

Words to live by or favorite quote?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

What adventure do you plan to have in the future?

Going on holiday to Finland in July! 

Favorite book and why?

To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee. 

My teacher recommended it when I was 12 and it really stuck with me how beautiful and cruel humans can be to each other. Beautifully written.

Something interesting we don't know about you?

I have an identical mirror twin - Justine. 


What do you like most about being apart of the TrAk Family?

You said it with family. Being part of a community with like minded people where anything is possible and looks different for everyone. There is strength in that. 

I have made friends that I know will be in my life for a very long time. 

Biggest accomplishment at the gym

Learning more about functional strength. Meeting myself where I’m at and setting some personal goals in the back room with Coach Lindsay, and just going after it no matter how long it takes. 

Other resources

Athlete of the MonthTransformationResultsLifestyle
blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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AOM Blogs

April Member Highlight

April AOM

April 05, 20244 min read

“(TRAk) is about the mental shift for me. It is now just part of my routine and I miss it when I don’t go. I feel accountable for myself and for my progress. .” - Janine

April Member Highlight

What have you accomplished in your life that you're most proud of?

My children, Harper and Hunter. Wonderful, kind and curious humans. 

If you could take 3 months off and do whatever you wanted, what would that time look like? 

Lots of travel, books, movies, outside adventures, cultural immersion and plenty of sunshine and ocean time.

How did you feel before you found TraK?

Like I was carrying around a suitcase of excuses to why I couldn’t be athletic anymore at this stage in my life. 

How do you feel now?
Empowered and excited about the future me.

How has TrAk changed your everyday life?

It’s about the mental shift for me. It is now just part of my routine and I miss it when I don’t go. I feel accountable for myself and for my progress. 

Goals...personal, professional, family?

Further my education in Anthropology and Environmental Sustainability. 

Make a positive impact within my new/er workplace - WWF. 

Continue traveling to new places my kids. 

If you were in a band what existing band/group do you see yourself  in?

Rage Against the Machine’ or ‘The Roots’.  The energy for both is next level

Best place to travel that you've ever been?

I have to go with my heart on this one and say Australia since that’s where my family live and I don’t get to see them nearly enough. 

What personal failure has helped lead to your ultimate success? 

Leaving a long term abusive relationship. Having the bravery to leave really allowed me to take back myself on my own terms. 

What’s the craziest thing you've seen in the gym? 

Over a year ago now, watching Ella and Owen do a box jump challenge with each other for fun - it got ridiculous! (I do love a bit of sibling rivalry) 

What three people [living or dead] would you go camping with next weekend?

Sir David Attenborough- my hero, so I can continue my education and connection with the earth.

My son Hunter, who is already a great camping companion.

My best friend Willy, who passed away 3 years ago - he told the best yarns, played awesome guitar and I would do anything to hear his laugh again. Pure gold. 

Which sport/activity would you love to do, but are afraid to?

I love heights and adrenaline, and would give most things a good crack but I will have to rule out free solo climbing at this point I suppose - ha! 

Funniest things you've seen your husband do?

Ethan has a slew of silly dance moves that he pulls out in public places when he thinks no one is watching. 

Favorite movie?

Ohh so many, depends on my mood. Today I’ll go with- Good Will Hunting. 

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

Start as you mean to go on. - Thanks Mum x

At what age were you in the best shape of your life?

In my competitive swimming years teens through early twenties. 

Words to live by or favorite quote?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

What adventure do you plan to have in the future?

Going on holiday to Finland in July! 

Favorite book and why?

To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee. 

My teacher recommended it when I was 12 and it really stuck with me how beautiful and cruel humans can be to each other. Beautifully written.

Something interesting we don't know about you?

I have an identical mirror twin - Justine. 


What do you like most about being apart of the TrAk Family?

You said it with family. Being part of a community with like minded people where anything is possible and looks different for everyone. There is strength in that. 

I have made friends that I know will be in my life for a very long time. 

Biggest accomplishment at the gym

Learning more about functional strength. Meeting myself where I’m at and setting some personal goals in the back room with Coach Lindsay, and just going after it no matter how long it takes. 

Other resources

Athlete of the MonthTransformationResultsLifestyle
blog author image

Sean Doty

Sean-Michael Doty is an Owner of TrAk Athletics an Adult Strength and conditioning Facility in Akron Ohio. Sean has worked in fitness for that last decade plus. He attended Ashland University where he received his Bachelor’s of Science: Exercise Science (Minor in Coaching), and Masters of Education: Sports Science, Applied Exercise Science. While at Ashland University he was a member of the Track and Field Team and from 2011-2015 was a 6x All-Academic- GLIAC team member. He was trained by and worked along side multiple Olympians and World medalist. After college, Sean worked as a personal trainer for golds gym before accepting a position as Assistant Coordinator of the Fitness Education Center at Cuyahoga Community College, where he oversaw the center and the strength and conditioning programs for the athletic teams housed at the western campus. Later, he worked as a Lecturer for Youngstown State University teaching classes on kinesiology, strength and conditioning, wellness coaching, among several others. Before eventual landing a permeant home at TrAk Athletics where he Co- owns and Operates the Facility with Olympian Lauren Regula and her Husband Dave.

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